Madeleine Zabriskie

Landscapes that capture the light and ambience of the coast. Modern works of abstract and figurative art as statement pieces.

In Madeleine's studio, the canvases are stacked close together and fill racks across the entire walls. She has produced a large body of work over the past 40 years, charting her passion for the coast of Norfolk. She's also wild about Pembrokeshire. She adores the sea and it's raw nature. She works outdoors in all weather to capture the changing moods and variations. The fleeting glints of light. The atmosphere and mood. Exploring how far painting can capture an imprint of reality. Breaking colour into dabs of paint. Displaying a bare impression of form. Investing with emotion, colour and spontaneous sensation. Working in layers with long intervals of observation.

Born in 1961 in Norfolk and encouraged to paint from the age of 5 by her artist mother. Her father had a framing business. Her love was fixed when she saw a Monet exhibition at the National Gallery. Educated at the University of East Anglia in the 1979.